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White Face Capuchin Monkey

As a monkey, she is not from the most intelligent of breeds, but Lily proved that a loving home is the most important part of learning. Unusual for a primate, She learned to swim and spent countless hours playing in the bathtub.she recognize certain animals on television. She knows that the button on the answering machine makes neat sounds. She learned at an alarming rate. In a single hour she will learn to do things like sit up, suck her thumb, drink from the bottle, climb out of her bed, and crawl. Tasks like jumping, climbing, and eating raisins usually only takes a few hours to learn. She learned to play
peek-a-boo and give kisses.

Loves rocking chairs, playing with her dogs, and lifting the
metal blinds to watch the people as they walk by on the street.
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  • Location: Alabaster, AL
  • Posted: 3552 days ago

Ad ID: 3212574
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