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$250.00Many people contacted us about adopting Rita but we found your home to be the best home for her, why then do you think we could take your money and still keep her home with us. We can never do that to you, nor to anyone else. We are Christians and we go to church every Sundays and Wednesdays. We will never lie to you to get your hard earned money. I know how bad it feels to set your heart at something and get disappointed. Besides, we need the special prayers of all our friends and family members, of which you are one, because our grand daughter will undergo a surgical operation next week. So we need your prayers too so she can survive this. I feel so bad each time i think of this, but i hold on to the Lord Almighty, because i know he is faithful and will never lie to me. Why therefore should i lie to you my beloved friend? It all depends on you, if you are serious about getting the monkey, then you should know how to go about it. We will be there to assist you wherever need be. We will also like to receive pictures and updates of the little girl, so we can know how she is doing in her new home.
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- Posted: 3557 days ago
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