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Yorkie Puppies for Adoption

The Yorkie can be a yappy dog if it is allowed to get away with it. In addition to this, the Yorkshire Terrier can be domineering in a household and quite bossy. These are, of course, not very desirable traits, especially if there are children present in the household. Because of this, care should be taken when the dog is young to present a firm and consistent training routine - just because this is a cute dog does not mean not should be allowed to wrap you around their little paw! When the pack leader steps up to this responsibility, Yorkies will make kind and loving pets who are good with children and other animals. As a small dog, they do have a relatively large amount of energy and so will benefit from a good exercise routine and daily walk/ play in the garden. This is a breed who will display pent up energy if it has not received enough, twirling and shooting around the house - an indication it is time for walkies again!
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  • Location: Anaheim, CA
  • Posted: 3570 days ago

Ad ID: 3252579
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