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SAP Online Training
$500.00Keen Technologies (www.keentechnologies.com) is an emerging end to end SAP training provider focused on training for companies that have captive, in-house or specific technology based training requirements. We focus on the all modules of SAP community across India, USA and UK.
We offer in-depth SAP BASIS online training in any module of SAP. Our response is almost immediate and we offer you the freedom to cut down on your training costs and ramp-up your resources where needed in minimal time.
We bridge the gap between the need of the industry for knowledgeable and skilled professionals and the training required to produce highly qualified candidates and professionals.
Course Details
SAP BASIS Course Curricullum:
Introduction to SAP R/3 Basis:
What is Basis?
Introduction to SAP R/3 Client / Server Technology and SAP R/3 Architecture
Roles and Responsibilities of Basis Consultants
Database Service. Application Services, Presentation Services
Introduction to OS Concepts
Introduction to SAP R/3 Hardware Concepts : The CPU
Introduction to SAP R/3 Hardware Concepts : Storage
Available SAP R/3 Platforms Windows NT
SAP R/3 Networking issues
Architecture of SAP R/3 Application Server
SAP R/3 Application Server Architecture
Dialog Server
Update Server
SAP R/3 Work Process Overview
Managing SAP R/3 Work Processes
SAP R/3 Administration Tasks Client
Introduction to Client
Creating Client
Client Copy ( Local, Remote, Export and Import )
Dropping a Client
Keen Technologies Unique Features:
1. Top of the line trainers, hand-picked to suit your requirement
2. Customized training - you can choose the level and depth of training to be delivered
3. Interactive Feedback mechanism
4. Cutting-edge training delivery
INDIA: +91 9989754807 / 040 24113292
USA: +1 347-952-4634, 203-567-0149
UK: +44 (0) 1296 290501, (0) 7921 147151
Email: trainings@keentechnologies.com
Company Website: www.keentechnologies.com
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What is CRM Technical ?
Customer relationship management (CRM) is a widely-implemented strategy for managing a companys interactions with ... Keen Technologies (www.keentechnologies.com) is an emerging end to end OIM training provider focused on training for companies that have captive, in-house or specific technology ...