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Core Java Corporate Online Training
What is Core Java?
JAVA is an open source code object oriented programming (OOP) language by Sun Microsystems that together provides a system for developing an application software and deploying it in a cross-platform environment (platform independent).
This course covers extensively the programming and object-oriented techniques of Java. It introduces students to Object-oriented programming concepts, teaches them the fundamentals of the Java language and syntax, introduces them to the major class libraries in Java, and prepares them to begin development of business applications in Java.
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VirtualNuggets has been established with the primary objective of providing contemporary IT Corporate Online training, Corporate Training and consulting services. VirtualNuggets is associated with highly talented faculty with real time experience in respective fields to make you work on real-time projects to get ready for new Job or Job Change. We have trained thousands of students in various technologies. VirtualNuggets Associate or Hire Only Certified and Real-Time Expertise Trainers Only.
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Core Java Corporate Online Training Course Content: -
1.) Introduction
Programming language Types and Paradigms
Why Java
Flavors of Java
Java Designing Goal
Role of Java Programmer in Industry
Features of Java Language
JVM The heart of JAVA
2.) Language Fundamentals
The Java Environment
Java Program Development
Java Source File Structure
Basic Language Elements
Lexical Tokens, Identifiers
Keywords, Literals, Comments
Primitive Data types
Condition Statements
Control Statements
Command line Arguments
3.) Object Oriented Programming
OOPS Fundamentals.
Object & Object reference
Method Overloading, Recursion
Aces Specifiers & Aces Modifiers
Design of Accessor and Mutator Methods
Inner Class & Anonymous Classes
Abstract Class
Cloning Objects, shallow and deep cloning
4.) Packages
Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages
Package as Aces Protection
Defining Packages
CLASPATH Setting for Packages
Making JAR Files for Library Packages
Import and Static Import
Naming convention for Packages
5.) Exception Handling
The idea behind Exception
Exceptions & Errors
Types of Exception
Control Flow In Exceptions
JVM reaction to Exceptions
Use if try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception
6.) Handling
In-built and User Defined Exceptions
Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions
7.) Multi Threading
Understanding Threads
Needs of Multi-threaded Programming
Thread Life-Cycle
Creating Child Threads
Multi Threads in a program
Thread Priorities
Synchronizing Threads
Inner Communication of Threads
Critical Factor in Thread Deadlock
8.) Input/ Output Operation in Java (java.io Package)
Streams and the new I/O Capabilities
Understanding Streams
The Classes for Input and Output
The Standard Streams
Working with File Object
File I/O Basics
Reading and Writing to Files
Buffer and Buffer Management
Read/Write Operations with File Chanel
Formatted Input/ Output
Sequence Input
Random Aces
Serializing Objects
Character Streams
9.) GUI Programming
Designing Graphical User Interfaces in Java
Components and Containers
Basics of Components
Using Containers
Layout Managers
AWT Components
Event-Driven Programming in Java
Adapter Classes as Helper Classes in Event Handling
Anonymous Inner classes a Short cut o Event Handling
Adding A Menu to Window
Dialog Boxes
Built-in Dialog Boxes File Dialog
Extending GUI Features Using Swing Components
Applet & Application
Applet Architecture
Parameters to Applet
Embedding Applets in Web page
Applet Security Policies
11.) Collections Framework & Utility Classes
Utility Methods for Arrays
String Tokenizer
Observable and Observer Objects
Date & Time
Data structures
Timer and Timer Task for Job Scheduling
Using Scanner
Regular Expression
Collections of Objects
Collection Types
Understanding Hashing
Use of Array List &
Hash Table & Hash Map
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