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Hibernate Corporate Online Training Classes in USA, CANADA (+1-7076668949)

What is Hibernate?

Hibernate ORM is an object-relational mapping library for the Java language, providing a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a traditional relational database. Hibernate solves object-relational impedance mismatch problems by replacing direct persistence-related database accesses with high-level object handling functions.

Hibernate�s primary feature is mapping from Java classes to database tables (and from Java data types to SQL data types). Hibernate also provides data query and retrieval facilities. It generates SQL calls and relieves the developer from manual result set handling and object conversion. Applications using Hibernate are portable to supported SQL databases with little performance

Hibernate Corporate Online Training Course Content:

1. Introduction

� Problems with using JDBC
� Setting Up Hibernate
� Configuring Hibernate
1. Programmatic Configuration
2. XML Configuration
3. Configuration with Properties file
4. Using Annotations
� Opening and Closing the session
� Retrieving Objects

2. General Architecture of Hibernate

3. Basic mapping and Object Identity

� Sample application development and performing following operations:
1. Read
2. Update
3. Delete
4. Create
� Providing an ID for persistence problem
1. Database sequence
2. Native generator
3. Increment generator
4. Hilo generator
� Creating a composite key
� SaveorUpdate functionality in Hibernate
� Dynamic SQL generation in Hibernate
� Naming entities in hibernate

4. Component Mapping

� Implementing a value type as a component
� Nesting components
� Adding References in components
� Mapping a collection of components
� Using Components as keys to a Map

5. Collections Mapping

� Set
� List
� Arrays
� Collection

6. Hibernate Data types

7. Hibernate API

8. Hibernate Query language (HQL)

� Projection Queries
� Aggregation Functions
� Grouping
� Restrictions

9. Inheritance in Hibernate

� Table-per-class hierarchy
� Table-per-concrete class
� Table-per-sub

10. Relations

� One-to-one
� One-to-many
� Many-to-one
� Many-to-many

11. Caching

� Introduction
� Scopes of cached Data
� Cache levels
1. First-level cache
2. Second level cache
� Concurrency Strategies
� Cache Providers
� Caching queries
� Using the first level cache
� Configuring second-level Cache

12. Querying with Criteria

� Introduction
� Using Criteria to load the data from database
� Applying restriction to criteria
� Using Projections with Criteria

13. Querying by Example

14. Batch Processing

� Batch Inserts
� Batch Updates
� Batch Deletes

15. Native SQL

� Using database dependent SQL�s

16. Transaction Management

17. Integrating Hibernate with Servlets

18. Integrating Hibernate with Struts 2.x
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